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Mathletics runs under the company 3P Learning. 3P Learning has worldwide education partnerships with the following companies:

  1. UNICEF. Working together since 2014, Mathletics has found a way to have students from around the world help fund a series of projects simply by completing regular Mathletics tasks and activities. Users earn points when competing in “Live” Mathletics games and curriculum activities. Every correct answer, gets a point. Every 250,000 points collected equals $1 donated to the UNICEF fund. According to Mathletics, "On average, students around the world complete enough activities to donate another $1 every five minutes....Through this partnership Mathletics has been able to build and support 30 school communities across Zimbabwe."

  2. Learnosity. Learnosity powers the assessment portion of the Mathletics program. Working in collaboration with Learnosity, Mathletics is able to offer tests that correspond with curriculum outcomes. These tests are able to be used as benchmark assessments to identify student progress. Learnosity makes it easy to manage, score and offer these engaging online assessments.

  3. Microsoft. Microsoft works with Mathletics and runs the program on their huge global network of servers through Azure, Microsoft’s flagship cloud computing platform. With this partnership, Mathletics can be delivered faster and more economically than if Mathletics powered everything from banks of computers in a fixed location.



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