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There are a few different competitors to Mathletics, however, none of them offer the variety and overall educational experience that Mathletics offers. For the Mathletics advantage, be sure to read the "Why Mathletics" featured on the homepage.  


The main competitors of Mathletics are:

  1. SumdogSumdog utilizes games as their main source of user engagement and also links to curricular outcomes. Sumdog is also available as a school or home based subscription. Pricing is cheaper than Mathletics, but that is evident when viewing the site.

  2. IXLTargets curricular outcomes through question and answer. Aligns with curricular outcomes. No game options, but does award medals as the user completes questions. IXL does offer both school and home subscription options, with similar pricing to Mathletics.

  3. KhanAcademyProvides video instruction on math concepts with questions along the way to check in. KhanAcademy offers tools for teachers, students and parents and is free to use.




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